Medical term for suture of the lip

Medical term for suture of the lip
Tenorrhaphy is surgical suture of a tendon. Tenorrhaphy Tenorrhaphy
Myorrhaphy means surgical suture of a muscle. Myorrhaphy is the medial term for suture of a muscle. is muscle.rraphy is the surgical suturing of
Absorbable Sutures suture - definition of suture in the.
Suture Needle
suture - definition of suture in the.
suture /su·ture/ (soo´cher) 1. sutura. 2. a stitch or series of stitches made to secure apposition of the edges of a surgical or traumatic wound.
What is the medical term meaning surgical.

A medical term for suture? - Yahoo!.
Medical term for suture of the lip
What is the medical term meaning suture.
01.03.2009 · Best Answer: rrhaphy. I always remember this because when I try to say it kinda sounds like wrappy Kinda lame but the wrap makes me think of wrapping